Dental Fillings in Cypress, TX

Tooth decay may cause pain, discomfort and place your teeth and oral health at risk for further damage. Dental fillings are an effective and subtle restorative procedure that can restore strength and structure to your tooth! Our office offers tooth-colored fillings that blend in with your natural teeth and ensure that much of your natural tooth structure stays intact! If you’re interested in tooth-colored fillings that blend in with your natural teeth, contact us to learn more about our service.

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smiling man

How do I know if I need a dental filling?

Most of the time, tooth decay is accompanied by signs and symptoms that can alert you to schedule a visit for a dental filling near you. These symptoms may include tooth sensitivity, throbbing or sharp pain, a visible hole, or a rough or jagged feeling of the tooth. Even if you don’t experience these symptoms, tooth decay can be present, which is why keeping up with dental exams and appointments is highly encouraged.

woman smiling

Does getting a dental filling hurt?

During the restorative procedure, Dr. Tran will apply an anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth. While the injection may feel uncomfortable, the substance will block the nerve signals for a more comfortable procedure. Other than this, patients receiving tooth-colored fillings at our office should not feel discomfort during the restorative procedure. After the anesthetic wears down, there may be temporary soreness that will subside within a week.

smiling man at the dentist

Are dental fillings necessary?

When left untreated, tooth decay may worsen and have a strong chance of spreading to the gums and surrounding teeth. Instead of risking a more invasive restorative procedure, it’s best to get a cavity filled at soon as possible. When you visit our office, Dr. Tran will thoroughly examine your tooth to determine if one of our tooth-colored fillings or other restorative procedure is the best solution. You only get one complete, natural smile, and our team at Alder Trails Dental would love to help you enjoy it for a lifetime!


Alder Trails Dental